Monday 14 April 2014

How to make Easter Nests

It's a family tradition to make Easter nests at Easter. As most of the people that I know do it, I suspect that it might be an English tradition. Although I thought I would do something a bit different last year, but it didn't turn out like intended (see below) so I went for the bog standard easter nests this year.

The amounts are not exact, they're based on judgement. As one of my science teachers frequently says with enthusiasm as he seems to hate titrations (amounts have to be very precise), it's bucket chemistry.


  • Chocolate (I used about 200g which made 7 nests)
  • Shredded Wheat or a similar cereal. Cornflakes and Rice Crispies are often used, but they don't come anywhere near making a realistic looking nest. I used 4 portions which was sufficent for the amount of chocolate I used.
  • Mini Eggs. These don't have to be Cadbury, most sweetshops have a jar of chocolate eggs that you can purchase.
  • Bun/Cupcake cases.
1.) Crush the shredded wheat so it breaks up into smaller parts, I used a rolling pin.  Do not overcrush it as a powder would not be useful. If not using shredded wheat, this step is not needed. 

2.) Melt the chocolate using a bain marie.

Trivia: one of these photos comes from the pocky tutorial that's why the photos don't match.

3.) Add the crushed shredded wheat into the melted chocolate making sure to mix in properly. It is best to add a small amount at a time.

4.) Once you are happy with the consistency-it should be fairly solid but with some give so you can mould it, place spoonfuls into the bun/cupcake cases and push the middle down to make a nest shape. 

5.) At this point add in the eggs so that they will be stuck there when the chocolate has solidified. Then place the nests to harden in a cool place for a minimum of 20 minutes.